Saturday, March 17, 2007

Why Streaming Video On Blogs Is Now So Popular

By Christain Cullen Platinum Quality Author

One may have noticed that recently it became very popular for individuals to post streaming videos on their blogs or online journals. Some people may have asked themselves why streaming video on blogs is popular, and the answer to this can be fairly in depth. First of all, the purpose of a blog is to share information with one’s self or others. Most people that are going to be using a computer are fairly literate, but in some cases the individuals are not. When they come to a blog, they can get some of the information from the video and still be able to have a more dependable grasp on the concept, as opposed to not being able to view the video or read the blog. Secondly, many people do not have time during their busy day to commit to reading. It is not very easy to read something, and perform other actions at the same time.

However, many people will notice that we are able to watch television and do other things at the same time. The same is true when it comes to viewing streaming videos on blogs. Whether the individual is just doing other things on the computer, or they are actually away from the computer but watching the video as if it were the television, the individual that is doing the viewing is able to multi-task in a way that they would be unable to do without the video on the blog. This simply helps to smooth out a person’s life so that they can do other things at the same time, should the individual be in a hurry or want to multi-task.

Some people do not read as fast as others. However, we all view things at the same speed. When an individual is not able to read something quickly, they may not be as inclined to work on reading a blog that they may otherwise be interested in reading. In order to make up for this, many people will post streaming videos on their blog sites in order to capture the attention of an individual that may be either viewing the videos on the blog or reading the blog itself. If a person sees a video that they are interested in, they may be more likely to read the blog that coincides with it, even if they are a slow reader, because of the fact that they enjoyed the video. However, this may not be as true of the individual that does not have a video to help pull them in to the blog itself.

Instead, a person may merely skim the blog or skip it entirely. We are in an age of constantly moving, and unless a person makes a conscious effort to stop and observe something, they are not as inclined to do so. When people wonder why streaming video on blogs is popular, they really only need to look at the many ways in which the individuals involved are able to prosper both by viewing the video and by posting the video.

Using videos from YouTube, can now earn you Adsense dollars at sites like

If you'd like to learn more about this new method of sharing videos and making free money go directly to money-videos and sign up.

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Web-Video Won - The Difference Between Web-Video Marketing and Television Advertising

By Cen Xu

The title of this article "Web-Video Won" seems to be a bizarrerie since traditional television advertising still has its power after all. It however emphasizes the advantages of web-video, which are unable to be competed by traditional television advertising. Perhaps the television advertising age is passing away, and this might be as controversial as the issue of "online media VS traditional media".

1. Web-video is less expensive (in distribution)

A number of observers and researchers pointed out that web-video is dramatically save. Comparing with television advertising clips, to distribute on web, videos do not have to be in high quality format. This might be one of the reasons to say "web-video is less expensive." More importantly, when you distribute videos onto the Internet, no matter on your company's official websites, or on video-sharing websites, it's free. Considering the enormous cost for putting an advertising clip on television, Web-video won.

2. Audiences of web-videos are generally watching the videos actively

As known people receive television advertising passively, making audience annoyed, irritate, or even feel to be raped in that few people like being interrupted. This illustrates that television advertising clips are attached onto television programs. There are some drawbacks:

a). The better(/more popular) the program is, the more expensive the price of inserting advertisement

b). Even for the top-popular programs, the volume of audience is unlikely to be enlarged. It means that for television advertisement clips, there is no "word-of-mouth" potential at all

3. Web-videos are more creative

This might not be always true. However, as the volume of audiences can increase, web-videos have to be highly creative and interesting in order to attract more audience and obtain "word-of-mouth" distribution. Otherwise, those clips do not make sense.

4. Web-videos are efficient

You do not need to wait for anything. Once a video clip has been created, just post it onto the target website.

Eastwei Relations


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Video Blog Tips For Marketing Your Online Business

By Eartha Haines Platinum Quality Author

Now a days anyone can be a director thanks to online video broadcasting web sites like YouTube. The big advantage to video blogs (also known as vlogs) is that they are great viral marketing tools that can attract a ton of traffic to your web site. Just like article marketing, video marketing works in much the same way when attempting to gain more traffic to your web site. Here are a few tips to marketing your video blogs for the most traffic.

1. Take Advantage of Free Video Broadcasting
Social networking web sites are everywhere and the same is becoming true for video broadcasting web sites. These types of sites reach millions of visitors every day. By uploading your videos to these web sites, you can take advantage of the free traffic and networking.

2. Provide Useful Information
This works in much the same way as writing on a blog. When you write on a blog, you are providing information about a specific topic. Video blogs work in the same way when used for marketing purposes. You can create videos in interview style formats, a tv show, infomercials, or how-to videos. Just remember to work around a topic that ties in your business. The more creative you can be and the more useful the information, the more likely the video will be passed around to other people.

3. Remember To Include Your Web Site Address
This seems like common sense but it can be easily forgotten. When you are editing your video, remember to include your web site's URL someplace during the playback. I suggest keeping the URL on display throughout the entire video. Along the bottom of the screen is preferable but at least display your web site's URL at the beginning or end of the video.

Have fun and be creative with video blogs. You don't have to have the most expensive hardware and software to get the job done. Using video blogs to market your business is a phenomenal way to bring free traffic to your web site.

Did you know that streaming videos has become one of the most popular marketing tools used today and really has no end in site? Learn more about how to utilize video as a marketing method by visiting video blog marketing.

Eartha Haines is the author for Self Employed Blog is a web site which shares ideas, services, products, and opportunities that may help others move closer to their dream of becoming their own boss.

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A Goldmine of Secrets To Sell Your Products Online With Video!

By Franck Silvestre Platinum Quality Author

If you didn't noticed that video is quickly becoming the standard for selling your own products or promoting affiliate products, then you are missing big time...

Video is used to vehicle your commercial messages to your customers. Video streaming is also used with audio and can be easily added to your websites or blogs.

As an example, I started to promote a product in web design for two or three months, however I didn't make any commission. Note that I did not promote this product heavily. I just posted a video (from the affiliate resources) to my website, and one blog post.

A few days after, I already made my first commission. Like the product owner said, video convert like crazy and I am the first to recognize it.

Dozens of marketers are getting lots of free traffic from, just because they uploaded a video that went 'viral'. Just head on youtube, Google or Yahoo video, and tape: "Internet Marketing" and "Make money online", etc... And you will see how hundreds of savvy marketers are already banking with video.

What Do you need to create videos that make you money?

1. Digital Camcorder

2. Firewire card (or interface) in your PC and a fireware cable.

3. Video Editing Software.

4. FLV - Flash conversion software.

5. FLV Flash player and a web page.

Additional items you should consider:

1. Tripod (start at $25)

2. Wireless mic (start at $100)

3. Headset with mic (start at $48)

4. Stand mounted lights (start $35)

If you didn't a video before or if you don't have a website, it can seem to be a very difficult and overwhelming task. Read on...

It's really easy to add video to your website. Actually, it is so easy than anyone can do it. No need for special programming skills or anything else. You can be making your videos this week if you really take the time to learn.

Franck Silvestre is an affiliate marketing expert in guiding FREE traffic to websites. His own methods have increased traffic to his own website by 400%! Wonder how you too, can increase traffic and sales via video with sites like Youtube or Google Video? Visit Audio Video Riches Today.

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Brand Positioning Using Web-Video

By Jerry Bader Platinum Quality Author

As Web-video presentations increase in popularity as a means of delivering marketing messages over the Internet, there will be the inevitable major successes and unfortunate failures. It is only a matter of time before Web-video becomes the dominating vehicle for businesses that are serious about marketing communication.

The businesses that will be successful will learn how to use the medium beyond its technical implementation, focusing instead on the psychology elements that communicate beyond mere surface meaning.

Multimedia Modeling and Vicarious Observation

Albert Bandura, distinguished psychologist and expert in the field of social learning theory, points to television commercials as an important influence on social learning through multimedia modeling and vicarious observation.

We often forget that like all creatures human beings are subject to our hardwired instinct for survival, one of the most important being our ability to learn through vicarious experiences rather than just direct encounters. We may learn not to touch a hot stove by putting our hand on a hot heating element, but it is far less dangerous to learn the same lesson by watching someone else do it, even if that observation is fabricated as in a commercial.

Marketing Campaigns Are Learning Experiences

All marketing campaigns are learning experiences for the target audience in that advertisers are attempting to manipulate viewers' behavior by vicarious demonstration of brand benefits resulting from product or service use.

Cost has limited the use of broadcast television commercials to all but the most deep-pocketed of advertisers, but the broadband Web and digital technology has changed all that. The means to produce reasonable-cost Web-video is at hand, witness the explosion of numerous video sites like YouTube and Google Video, plus the advent of Web-commercial venues like Google Video Ads. Unfortunately many businesses cannot see past the proliferation of uneven quality viral videos that lack any serious commercial purpose to see the real opportunity that exists.

It is inevitable that a period of DIY (do it yourselfers) will ensue, as businesses that don't understand the medium will try to implement video campaigns without taking the time to learn that mastering the technical use of software and hardware is not what makes vicarious-experience video-observation work.

The Four Communication Elements of Web-Commercials

If businesses are to be successful in getting people to do what they want them to do through the implementation of Web-commercials, they will need to learn that success ultimately depends on an understanding of the psychological influences behind the four communication elements that constitute effective Web-presentations: scenario, sight, sound, and score.

Scenario: The Brand Story

Every business has a brand story to tell, but often that story gets lost in the minutiae of product specifications, service details, and self-congratulating biz-speak. There is no point in spending time telling your audience that you have the highest quality, lowest price and best staff. Nobody cares, and if they do care, few will believe you, and if they do believe you, your competitor is saying the same thing. Have you presented anything that defines you, makes you different, or provides something memorable?

People remember stories, linear narratives that are constructed with a beginning, middle and end. This enables an audience to process the information and retain the essence of the message for future reference. In developing your brand story, less is always more. It's your brand story that creates the position you will hold in your audience's mind.

Sight: Visual Context and Reference

A moving picture conveys a depth of information that cannot be delivered with text, no matter how clever, or with a still image, no matter how skillfully composed: the nod of the head, the folding of the arms, the look in the eye, in fact, every subtle movement of the presenter communicates something. These subliminal subtleties make it vital to have a professional presenter who understands how to act in front of a camera. Business executives familiar with face to face selling, or even speaking in front of a large audience may think performing for the camera is easy, but it is not.

Audiences are experts at decoding video presentations; we have all learned from years of watching television how to detect deception and fear in a performance. Acting for a camera requires what Marshal McLuhan called a 'cool' personality. Howard Dean's bid for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination was disastrously stalled when a speech he gave in front of a large boisterous audience was captured by television cameras and broadcast on the small screen. When transferred to television, his attempt to speak above a thunderous crowd of supporters made him sound like a wild man, an unfortunate situation that would make one wonder about the integrity of network broadcasters who understand the medium and decided to misrepresent the circumstances for affect. In delivering a commercial message, it is imperative to have professionals who understand the psychology of small screen presentation.

Sound: Sonic Familiarity and Personality

If what people see on screen is important than what they hear is profound. The audio portion of a Web-presentation can be broken down into three separate elements: the on-screen actor's voice, the voice-over announcer's voice, and the music and sound effects.

The sound of the human voice provides focus, emphasis, familiarity and personality, all of which are necessary in the creation of a meaningful, memorable experience: the ultimate goal of any Web-commercial or presentation.

As much as the business focus of advertising is to motivate people to act immediately to buy, you are bound to have more people view your presentation than will respond to it. If your message is constructed only for immediacy, you are losing the vast majority of potential customers. The more memorable you make your presentation the more likely people will ultimately contact you when they are in need of your product or service.

It is the sound of the human voice with its quality of tone, cadence and delivery, combined with a finely crafted script that emphasizes rhythm, rhyme, and repetition that gets embedded in people's minds.

Score: Music, Emotion and Focus

One of the most important, but perpetually misused elements in Web-video is music. Often music is just slapped onto a finished video as an after-thought without any real meaningful purpose or design.

A musical score creates an appropriate emotional atmosphere providing audio cues that direct attention and re-enforce memory recall. When we watch a television show, movie or commercial we are rarely cognizant of the music, but the musical score has an enormous impact on the viewing experience: it not only creates the mood and sets the emotional context, it tells the audience what to pay attention to and how to react.

An Example of How it Works

The best way to understand how scenario, sight, sound, and score affect an audience's experience, memory and reaction to a Web-video is with an example. To illustrate the importance of these elements we've taken a video and presented it in three ways: video only (no sound), video with voice-over (no musical score), and video with voice-over and musical score. This example can be viewed at

Watching the three versions illustrates just how important each element is and how each contributes to the memorable experience you as an advertiser want to create.

Jerry Bader is Senior Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website design firm that specializes in Web-audio and Web-video. Visit and Contact at or telephone (905) 764-1246.

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